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Research Publishing & Impact: Oxford University Press

Oxford University Press: Read and Publish Agreement

This capped agreement during 2022-2024 covers 366 Oxford University Press titles and allows authors from participating institutions to publish open access with no transactional article processing charges (APCs). The publishing limit/cap is set at 1101 articles for 2024.

View the 2024  Otago list of titles.

This agreement allows authors from participating institutions to publish in some of OUP's hybrid journals without the need for any transactional open access article processing charge (APC).

This is a capped agreement. This agreement provides for an allowance of 1101 articles by authors from institutions participating in the agreement to be published open access in 2024 with no transactional APCs.

Journals that have "flipped" to Fully OA for 2024 are still covered by the agreement.

Article eligibility

Articles accepted from 1/1/2024 are eligible to be published open access under this agreement.

Article types

The following article types are eligible for open access under this agreement:

  • Research Articles
  • Review Articles
  • Case Reports
  • Brief Reports

Article types excluded from this agreement include, but are not limited to:

  • Book Reviews
  • Supplement Articles

Other charges

OUP does charge additional fees for page and/or colour fees. Authors should always check each journal’s submission guidelines to ensure that they will not be subject to any other fees or charges.

Author eligibility

As defined by the publisher, the eligible author is:

Corresponding author (as set in the submission system at time of acceptance)

Responsible corresponding authors must include a participating institution as one of their affiliations to benefit from this agreement. 

Authors will be identified as eligible for open access publishing by their:

  • institutional affiliation

Responsible corresponding authors must use their institutional email address when submitting an article for publication

Responsible corresponding authors should not use personal email addresses (e.g. Hotmail, Gmail). Doing so may result in delayed approval of the article or the article may not be approved to be published open access under the terms of the agreement. 

The corresponding author's affiliation must be provided in the submission system in order to be identified as eligible.  The affiliation must be selected from the auto-completing drop-down list and not entered as free text in order for the author to be identified as eligible.  Any problems with entering the affiliation information during submission should be raised pre-acceptance.

Author rights

Articles from authors at participating institutions may be published under the following Creative Commons licenses:

  • CC BY
  • CC BY-NC

Authors retain all rights as per the CC license.

Further information about licenses is available on the publisher's website.

The Creative Commons licenses allow reuse (some with conditions) while protecting the authors' rights of acknowledgment as authors. 


How to submit your article for open access publishing

The following instructions for authors have been provided by the publisher. Further details are available on the publisher’s website.

1. During peer-review/pre-acceptance, you should ensure that your affiliation is up-to-date and correct in your Submission System profile and on your article.

2. Once your article has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication, you will receive an email which contains a link to the Online Licensing and Payments System, SciPris. SciPris will check your institutional affiliation and article type to determine if you are eligible to use the funds.

3.Proceed to request use of the Read and Publish Agreement funds.

4.Sign in and create an account if you don’t have one. (This is not the same system you used to submit your article to the journal.)

5.The license options are displayed. You won’t see any prices because you aren’t required to make a payment.

6.Send the request for review.

7.View your dashboard or sign out.

Example screenshot(s):

Archiving in institutional repositories

Authors may deposit articles in institutional repositories. The embargo period varies by journal. View the publisher's web page Accepted manuscript embargo periods for more information.

Contact details: Oxford University Press

Please email for questions regarding this agreement. Please include your full name, institution, article title, journal name and DOI (if available), and state the reason for your enquiry.

Archiving in institutional repositories

Authors may deposit articles in institutional repositories. The embargo period varies by journal. View the publisher's web page Accepted manuscript embargo periods for more information.