The RSU work with library colleagues to develop services and advice, supporting Otago researchers, postgraduate students, and departments in areas including bibliometrics, collection development in OUR Archive, OUR Journals service, research data management and digital scholarship.
The RSU develop and support tools that may help researchers. These include the Enhance Your Online Presence Checklist, the Otago Data Management Planning tool (DMPt), and an APA citation tool for 100 level Commerce students.
The RSU can provide advisory or training sessions for departments/units on a range of topics including research data management and data management plans, open access publishing, bibliometrics and enhancement of research impacts.
The Research Services Unit (RSU) is a dedicated team of librarians within the University of Otago Library.
The focus of the RSU is:
The projects shown below illustrate where the Library has been active in partnership with researchers.
RSU Manager: Lisa Chisholm