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Research Services Unit: Home

The Research Services Unit (RSU) is a dedicated team of librarians within the University of Otago Library.

The focus of the RSU is:

  • to understand the changing scholarly landscape and work with researchers to exploit digital potentials which enhance research outcomes;
  • to facilitate the development of tools, resources and services which support both established and emerging researchers;
  • to work towards research solutions in partnership with other Otago support services, as appropriate.

The projects shown below illustrate where the Library has been active in partnership with researchers. If you have a project or potential project that could benefit from Library support, please visit the Request Research Support page.


RSU Manager: Lisa Chisholm


Library projects supporting research and researchers


OUR Journals service

The collection's logo

Bulk upload to OUR Archive

Researcher profiles resources

The Research Services Unit, in collaboration with Subject and Reference Librarians, developed a suit of resources to advise Otago academics on their researcher profiles. The service, called Enhance Your Online Presence, is intended to help research active staff showcase their work and reach a wider audience.  

Metrics reports

Creating metrics reports at departmental/research unit level or above using tools available to the University of Otago such as SciVal and Incites.


Research data management education

Helping researchers make sense of the complexity around data storage, description, re-use and archiving.

Research impact case studies

The RSU supported the production of a booklet highlighting the impact of research in the Division of Health Sciences by investigating metrics (bibliometrics and alternative metrics) for the principle investigator.


Digitisation of sensitive data

Working with researchers in BioChem, the RSU developed a plan and scoped options for digitising a large archive of sensitive data that ensured practice met ethical and practical requirements.

Humanities database projects

Otago DH word cloud

DH needs assessment project 

Library managed projects & services

Researcher initiated projects—Library managed

Researcher initiated projects—Library as advisor