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The University of Otago Library has re-designed its Subject Guides system. Please let us know what you think by filling out this survey.

Research Services Unit: Request Research Support

The RSU can advise on and add value to your research project especially in the areas of discoverability, increasing impact, data management and preservation. We have experience in project management, developing business requirements and use cases, and working with developers, metadata specialists, and third party vendors.


  • strategies to make research outputs discoverable in scholarly indices and databases, e.g. Google Scholar 
  • metadata enrichment to increase discoverability
  • emerging modes of scholarly communication and innovative publishing models e.g. open access


  • persistent identifiers for tracking research
  • strategies for ensuring all research outputs are accessible and citable
  • tracking and reporting traditional research metrics e.g. citations
  • tracking and reporting alternative metrics (altmetrics) 


  • research data management plans
  • long term preservation of data, data sharing, and data citation

Your Subject Librarian and the Research Support Unit are able to advise and/or assist you. Before completing a Research Support Proposal (see below), please make an appointment to see the Subject Librarian responsible for your discipline, who will assess your project needs.